Text: “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” – James 4:3.
Comment: True worshippers should endeavour to avoid at all times things that could prevent their prayers from being heard by God. As the text for today enjoins, one of the reasons why some people’s prayers are not heard is because they ask amiss, that is, not according to God’s will. We should strive to know the will of God as stated in His word. “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5:17) God does not want us to make selfish prayers, for one to have all the good things of life while others starve; for the death of our neighbour or for calamity to befall him; for one to be rich overnight or to have certain positions or benefits without working for them or being entitled to them. (Matthew 5:43-48; Proverbs 24:17; 25:21) But those who pray according to the will of God He does not fail to answer their prayers in His own good time. Apostle John stated: “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” -1 John 5:14,15.