Devotional Guide, Today’s Reading Thursday, 25th July, 2024


Text: “Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” – Hebrew 11:33,34.

Comment: In the text under reference, a catalogue of some of the ancient faithfuls is given. They demonstrated marvelous acts and meritorious works by their faith in God. They are examples for us to follow.  They exhibited tremendous faith and God helped them by His grace.  Therefore, it is expected of us, now living in this age of the end of the world, to have firm trust and confidence in God at all times.  In spite of the difficult times they underwent, they died the death of the righteous and they would take part in the better resurrection. – Hebrew 11:4-40.

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