Devotional Guide, Today’s Reading – Thursday, June 30, 2022



Text:  “LORD, remember David, and all his afflictions: How he sware unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids, Until I find out a place for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.” – Psalm 132: 1-5.

Comment: The people of God need an enabling physical environment to worship and facilities for the dispensation of the word locally and internationally.  Money is needed to provide all these and it is the duty of those who are serving God in His holy organization and are appreciative of the grace of God in their calling to provide the needed funds.


The text for today expresses the intention of King David who was filled with the burning desire to provide a temple for the worship of the Most High God.  Although this pleased God He refused that David himself should build his temple because he was a man of war. The duty was given to his son, Solomon. (2 Samuel 7:1-17) Nevertheless, David went about to motivate the people to donate generously and gather needed materials for the work such that it was easy for his son, Solomon to build the temple of God. The bible accounts show that King David instructed his Son, to keep the law of the LORD so that he would prosper in the work, He said he should “be strong, and of good courage; dread not, nor be dismayed”. – 1 Chronicles 22:11-16.


Those God has blessed some people in the congregation with talent and skill to attend to certain aspects of His work. Such ones should not shy away from the responsibilities.  It will require sometimes some personal sacrifices. “And all the wise men, that wrought all the work of the sanctuary, came every man from his work which they made.” –  Exodus 36:4.