Devotional Guide, Today’s Reading Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Text: “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.” – 1 John 3:20, 21.

Comment: The ability to detect one’s own fault, weakness or shortcoming as to make amend and to distinguish between what one is and what one ought to be is important. It is on this ground that for us to abound in the work of God, self-examination is required of Christians in their spiritual development and in working towards the attainment of holiness in the service of God. The heart of man is the centre for self-examination. (Proverbs 4:23) The Holy Bible shows that if in the course of pondering our actions or utterances we find that our heart condemns us, we should realize that we are already before God Almighty. Otherwise, it is easy, very easy for the heart to mislead one because of our sinful nature. It is against the background of the laws of God, according to the Scriptures, Christians should examine themselves. – Jeremiah 17:9, 10.

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