Devotional Guide, Today’s Reading Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Text:  “For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory; no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” – Psalms 84:11.

Comment:  Divine favour that has always been the lot of godly disposed persons is reflected in today’s text. God’s countenance does shine on the righteous. (Numbers 6:24-26).  He invigorates or strengthens, He protects, defends and provides for all such that place His work above everything the earth can offer.  The bottom line is seeking the Lord first, and everything that is good would be available in course of time. (Matthew 6:33).   And that includes a job or a career.  With absolute trust and faith in God, job-hunting would be done with a positive outlook and not with strains and stresses.  Scriptures say: “O fear the LORD, ye his Saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.” – Psalm 34:9.

With trust in God and a positive attitude, the Christian should believe firmly that God Almighty is the Provider of all good things, and that He would in time grant us the desire of our hearts, especially in terms of providing for us our means of sustenance.  The Christian should however develop his gifts or talents, be prepared to work hard on any kind of worthwhile job he or she can lay hands on and allow the dignity of labour to spur him or her along by the grace of God.  (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Scripture says: “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” – Proverbs 18:16.

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