Devotional Guide, Today’s Reading Wednesday, November 8 2023


Text: “By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.” – Proverbs 25:15.


Comment: It is not uncommon for two people living together to disagree – husband and wife in a marriage union inclusive. (Luke 17:1)  However, it is not the occasional conflicts or disagreements that matter so much but how they are handled. The sanctity of the union is enhanced when issues are properly thrashed out, even if it is by way of a fair argument.  Unresolved matters weaken bonds, create mistrust and even contempt.  The spirit should be that one is fighting for the success of the marriage not merely to win an argument.  Matters should be discussed when tempers are cooler or have cooled down to enable the couple talk calmly to each other, not shouting and using foul language or swear or abusive words because “…a soft tongue breaketh the bone.”  Also, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” – Proverbs 25:15; 15:1.

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